Real Estate Market 20 February 2023

Exploring the Orleans Rental Market

The Orleans rental market is finally becoming similar to other Ottawa neighbourhoods. For the longest time Orleans did not have rental apartments, but now there’s plenty of new builds for the rental market in additional to rental homes, and private rentals that are available at a variety of prices. For those looking for luxury rentals, there are now new options to choose from. And if you want to ensure your rights as either a landlord or tenant, the Landlord and Tenant Board is here to help. Let’s explore the details further.

Rental Apartments and Homes in Orleans

Orleans now has a wider selection of rental apartments and homes available for tenants. The Tenth Line pet friendly luxury apartments are currently being built by Ironclad, in Orleans. Brigil also has move in ready apartments down by Petrie Island and there’s rental apartments being built on Portobello. Whether you are looking for something small and cozy, or something more spacious, you can be sure that you will find something that suits your needs.

Private Rentals in Orleans

Small landlord owned homes, such as single detached, townhomes and terrace homes, have been the norm in Orleans for the last decades. Landlords sometimes hire Realtors to help get their properties rented with qualified tenants. As well, Tenants can also hire a Realtor normally for free to help them with their search. Albeit the most common rental avenue in Orleans is still the private market, where the landlord and tenant deal together exclusively. Problematic situations can arise when the landlord and/or tenant is not familiar with the rules from the Landlord and Tenant board.

Landlord and Tenant Board

The Landlord and Tenant Board is an independent government agency that works to protect both landlords and tenants in Ontario by facilitating dispute resolution between them. They provide resources on topics like tenant rights & responsibilities, eviction notices & processes, rent payments & increases, repairs & maintenance issues, health & safety concerns etc., so that everyone involved understands their roles when it comes to renting in Ontario. A professional Realtor has the expertise to help better understand these rules and regulations for both tenant and landlord.

Whether you are looking for a cozy or luxurious apartment or a rental home; whether you need assistance understanding your rights as either a landlord or tenant; Orleans has something to offer everyone when it comes to renting an apartment or home. With its vibrant rental market—filled with countless options—and support from a local Century 21 Realtor such as Marc-Andre Perrier, finding the perfect place has never been easier! So take your time exploring all that Orleans has to offer—you won’t be disappointed!